【國際學校數學】全港唯一英語奧數|International school Math

國際學校數學|全港唯一英語奧數|International School Math

 AME 競賽級奧數 ( Problem Solving Math )【適合 4-15 歲】

The only Mathematical Olympiad course in Hong Kong crafted in English, adept at addressing in-school challenges 🇺🇸 🇬🇧. This program is designed for students who embrace challenges, offering an intellectually stimulating curriculum. Through a series of highly challenging problems reminiscent of "Mathematical Olympiad" questions, it delves into enhancing students' skills in analysis, problem-solving, and logical reasoning 😈.

全港唯一英語編寫的奧數課程,專為勇於挑戰自我的學生而設計。通過一系列高挑戰性的 「數學奧林匹克」類型題目深化學生的分折、解決問題、邏輯推理等技巧

👌 Integrating various mathematical concepts, the course encourages thinking across different methods to tackle diverse mathematical problems, including word problems and challenges 👾.

✌️ Application of mathematics in everyday life is emphasized through practical problems and advanced thinking exercises 👀.

👍 Olympiad-style questions empower children to prepare for various mathematical tests and competitions, fostering a deeper understanding of mathematical principles 🥇🥈.



去年 AME Diamond Team 於北美數學競賽擊敗 4680名數學精英, 奪得北美數學 No.1 寶座


思考各種方法應付不同的數學問題 (包括文字題及挑戰題)


將數學應用在日常生活 (應用題及高階思考題目)



AME Active Math Player

數學遊戲課程【適合 3-7 歲】

Discarding mechanical training, we introduce an innovative mathematical game, "PLAY WITH NUMBERS," that genuinely enhances children's mathematical and logical abilities. Through activity-based teaching methods, children learn, develop communication skills, and build social confidence—all through the engaging medium of games.

榮獲親子王家長最愛品牌。摒棄機械式的訓練,引入嶄新的數學遊戲 (PLAY WITH NUMBERS),真正提昇孩子們的數理能力。活動教學法,讓孩子們從遊戲中學習、溝通能力及社交自信。

* 國際學校數學 英文奧數 位於沙田區,交通便利,可選擇面授或網授


國際學校數學提供數學遊戲課程,適合 3-7 歲的孩子。AMO競賽級奧數適合 4-15 歲,是全港唯一英語編寫的奧數課程。國際學校數學位於沙田區,交通便利,可選擇面授或網授。【英文奧數】

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